NEWS / strategy

Free to Play Tips - Provided by Manuel (A12-11475)


The first thing you want to do is pick the latest server that opened, usually within the week a new server will open giving new players a chance to hit the rankings.


• Within the game there is 4 factions to look out for:



o WU

o Warlord


• It is important to choose a faction because the more units you use within the same faction means you will unlock bonus stats:

o Deploy 1 to get: Total ATK +500

o Deploy 2 to get: Total HP +10k

o Deploy 3 to get: Total ATK +5%, total DEF +250

o Deploy 4 to get: Total HP +5%, Total HP +15k

o Deploy 5 to get: Total Def +5%, Total ATK +800


Another thing to take note of their team position, by looking at each individuals skill you can determine where on the team formation the unit will go.


For Example:

I have chosen Warlord Faction. As the legend indicates their attack position is 1,2,3,4,5,6 from top right down then top left down. 


Dank Stash will buff my front-line units, followed by Jia Xu who will Poison four enemies and finally Jue Zhang deals a massive AOE dmg to all enemies with a chance of reducing their rage (allows them to cast their ability) otherwise if their rage bar is not full, they will deal a normal attack (instead of ability)


Now before getting into more details about the game, one feature new players will find very useful is the Gift Code system, which can be found by going to More>Settings->Scroll Down->Gift Code:




• dysnatyscrolls





• 20draws

• joinus

• unstoppable

• strategies

• fbgroup


This is a list of active giftcodes that will help you on your journey. There are 2 currencies within the game silver is used for almost  everything related to training, enhancing gear, you name it, but more  important than that is Gold! Gold revolves around all in game event  like legendary summon event, arms race event and annihilation to name a few. You will be able to earn this through out your gameplay  time so save it!


This is just a sneak peak of what I have to offer, due to work and other responsibilities I was unable to implement everything there is to offer in game, but my goal would be to finish this guide with pictures in every section and detailed explanations of each specific area in game.